Thursday, June 10, 2010

Conference Pictures Provided By Rick with LPH Resources

Special thanks to Rick Kephart with LPH Resources for sending us the following photos which he took at the Tridentine Latin Mass and the Ky Catholic Homeschool Conference on Saturday, 6/5/2010.

St. Christopher Catholic Church, Radcliff, KY

Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea - The Beginning of Mass

Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea during Mass

Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea, and the Altar Servers, during Mass

Fr. Isaac beginning the Sermon

Fr. Isaac and the Altar Servers

The Entrance of the Parish Life Center where the Conference was held

Fr. Cousen's - Not sure if this was the Opening Prayer or the Concluding Prayer

LPH Resources Vendor Exhibit

Immaculata Catholic Apparel and Gifts Vendor Exhibit

Vendor Area

By The Cross Vendor Exhibit

Vendor Area

Vendor Area - By The Cross and Our Lady of the Rosary

Vendor Area

Knights of Columbus Lunch in the Church Basement

Thank You!

Thank you to all who attended, and/or assisted with organizing, the conference! We truly appreciate all of the support we received. As time permits, we will try to post some pictures from the conference, as well as some of the feedback we received. We will also be posting the date for next year's conference. Again thanks to all who participated as speakers, vendors, volunteers, organizers, and by attending. Thanks to all who donated their time, services, or materials in anyway! Thanks to all who helped to spread the word, and to all who supported and encouraged us along the way! Please be sure to let others know of your experience at the conference. Make sure to let our vendors know that you were pleased with the outcome, and that you hope to see them there again next year. Finally, make sure to patronize our vendors as a thank you for their participation - be sure to let them know you were refered by the KY Catholic Homeschooling Conference. God bless!

Our Lady of Good Success Book from Father Isaac's Sermon

We have had many requests to find out the name of the book used by Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea in his sermon at the Mass preceding the homeschool conference. To all who are interested, I believe the first book listed below is the book that Fr. Isaac read from during his sermon at the Mass. The book which follows is actually a follow up to that book. The next 2 books are about the Life of Mother Mariana, which Father also spoke of during his sermon. I have an email in to Fr. Isaac to verify that the book listed below is the correct one, but I am fairly certain it is. If it turns out that I have sent out the wrong information, I will correct it once I hear back from him.

Our Lady of Good Success - Prophecies for Our Times

Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success

The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana, Volume 1

The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana, Volume II

God bless.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Please note, the Ky Catholic Homeschool Conference is located in the Eastern Time Zone.


This is a reminder that registrations will be accepted at the door. You may also register at the door for lunch. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. See our main website for contact information.

Novena June 2nd - Day 8 /\

Please join us in a Novena to St. Benedict for the success of the conference and for God's will to be done!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Registrations Taken at the Door!

YES! You can register at the door!

Teen Schedule

9:30-10:00 - ice breakers/games
10:00-11:45 - Movie/discussion Bernadette
or Therese
11:45-12:00 - A Representative from the US Air Force Academy will speak about their program; an USAF Academy scholarship is worth $400,000 and they are actively recruiting homeschoolers!
- Lunch - KofC is providing lunch for a donation of $6
1:00-1:20 - Wyoming Catholic Rep
1:20-1:40 - Thomas Aquinas College Rep
1:40-2:00 - Thomas More College (NH) Rep
2:00-2:20 - Franciscans of the Immaculate Rep
2:20-3:20 - Board Games/mingle/free time
3:20 - Door prizes called in Vendor Hall (gym)
3:45 - Closing Prayer in PLC (gym)

St. Christopher’s in Radcliff to celebrate Latin Mass

St. Christopher’s in Radcliff to celebrate Latin Mass

A first since 1969 and Vatican II


An event that hasn’t happened in Hardin County for many years will take place 8 a.m. Saturday at St. Christopher Catholic Church located at 1225 S. Wilson Road in Radcliff.

A Tridentine Latin Mass, or the Extraordinary Form, will kick off the Kentucky Catholic Home School Conference at St. Christopher but it is open to the public and not strictly for conference attendees.

This Mass was celebrated by the Catholic Church for almost 1,500 years, event organizer Julie Siscoe said.

Pope Paul VI introduced a Mass after the Second Vatican Council in 1969 that replaced the Latin Mass. Siscoe said the Tridentine Mass was restricted by many Bishops because they thought it had been banned. In July of 2007 Pope Benedict XVI issued a Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum that declared the Mass had never been banned and lifted the restrictions.

The Mass will be the first public Tridentine Mass celebrated at St. Christopher or in Hardin County since the release of the Summorum Pontificum in 2007, Siscoe said. From her research she concluded that there hasn’t been one celebrated in the county since 1969.

While the Mass at St. Christopher is a one time event, the only regular celebrations of Latin Mass in the diocese are at St. Martin of Tours in Louisville, Our Lady of the Caves in Horse Cave and St. Helen Catholic Church in Glasgow, Siscoe said.

Siscoe and her husband did not grow up in the Catholic faith and were not familiar with the Latin Mass. They now drive about an hour every Sunday and most Mondays to attend Mass at Our Lady of the Caves for that experience. She expects many will drive much farther to celebrate Saturday’s Mass.

The Rev. Dennis Cousens at St. Christopher explained the Mass to parishioners in a church bulletin.

The Mass is celebrated in Latin according to the rubrics for the Mass prior to the renewal of the Second Vatican Council.

It is celebrated ad orientem, which he explained means towards the east. The priest and the congregation all face the same direction, usually towards the east or the symbolic east, in expectation that Christ will return from the east.

At the Mass, Cousens explained women traditionally wear dresses and a covering on their head, Holy Communion is received on the tongue only in a kneeling position and strict silence is observed both before and after the Mass.

The Rev. Isaac Mary Relyea, of the Madison, Wis., diocese will celebrate the Mass and serve as keynote speaker for the home- school conference.

For more information on the Tridentine Mass go to

For more information on the conference go to

Becca Owsley can be reached at (270) 505-1741.

You Can Still Come!

If you have not mailed in your registration yet, you can still come to the conference! Mail it in if you believe it will get to us by Friday. If not, bring it to the door! You can also purchase a KofC lunch at the door. If your going to register at the door, though, please drop us a note to and annotate how many lunches you will be purchasing. It will help us out in the planning! Thanks! We're looking forward to seeing you!

Novena - Day 7! /\

Please join us in a Novena to St. Benedict for the success of the conference and for God's will to be done!